We have lift off! Reception February 2018.
Reception W.B 9.2.18
Reception W.B. 05.02.18
Reception W.B 29.02.18
Reception W.B. 29.01.18
Reception W.B 22.01.18
Reception W.B 15.01.18
Reception w.b 08.01.18
Reception WB 4th December
Reception WB 20th November
Reception WB 13th November
Reception WB 6th November
Reception WB 23rd October 2017
Reception WB 16th October
Reception WB 9th October 2017
Reception WB 2nd October 2017
Reception WB 25th September
Reception Reading and Phonics Meeting
Reception WB 18th September
Reception WB 11th September
Reception WB 4th September
Reception - WB 17th July
Reception - WB 3rd July
Reception W/B 19th June
Reception ~ WB 12th June
Brereton C E Primary School
School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN
Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson or Senco: Richard Cotton
Tel: 01270 918931
Email: [email protected]