Attendance and Absence Request
Term time holidays-appropriate policy in line with Cheshire County Council’s Fixed Penalty Notice protocol
“We would like to take the following opportunity to explain to all parents the law regarding holiday taken during term time; that unless there are exceptional circumstances most requests will be turned down. If parents still decide to take their children out of school for a holiday, then we have no choice but to mark the absence as an unauthorised absence. It should be realised that 10 unauthorised sessions of absence i.e. 5 days could lead to the involvement of the Education Welfare Service and the issuing of a Fixed Penalty Notice, the cost of which is £60 if paid within 28 days and £120 if it is paid after 28 days but within 42 days. If the Fixed Penalty Notice is not paid legal action will be taken by the Local Authority. These Fixed Penalty Notices have been introduced as part of the governments drive to improve attendance.”
Please click on the image to see the information in full.
Why is attendance important?
80% attendance means your child has missed 38 days in the year
5 minutes late each day means 3 whole days lost each year
poor attendance harms learning and future outcomes - children who miss 17 days each year on average see their GCSE results drop by a full grade
poor attendance reduces wellbeing - children miss out on making friends, building confidence and achieving successes