Year 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Lindersen

Mrs Lindersen

I am one half of the Year One teaching team at Brereton alongside Mrs Pulle. I have worked in Key Stage One since moving from teaching in schools in London and very much enjoy being part of our wonderful Brereton Primary School community. I enjoy teaching all aspects of the curriculum and love the fact that every day is different!

Mrs Walker

Welcome to Year 1:

Please have a look at our Welcome to Year One PowerPoint below for more information about our class.

Please see below for our Summer 2 topic web...

Year 1 Summer 2 topic web 2024.PNG

Other information:

Snack and water bottles

  • Children may bring in a healthy snack from home. This should be kept in their locker.
  • Alternatively, children can purchase toast from the school kitchen. This will be ordered in the morning in class, money will be collected via ParentPay. Toast costs 25p.
  • Fruit is freely available at breaktimes.
  • Water bottles should be filled and brought into school on a daily basis. They will be sent home to be cleaned and refilled at the end of each day.
  • This half term, PE will be on a Monday. On this day children should come to school in their PE kit. 
  • All children need to come to school wearing dark shorts, blue polo shirt with school logo, trainers and dark jogging bottoms if cold.                                                                                                                                                                                                Forest School
  • Forest School will be on a Wednesday afternoon. All children will need to bring either waterproof cloting or a spare set of clothes to cover their uniform, either old trainers or wellington boots and a coat.
  • Reading:

    Reading books will be changed twice per week on a Monday and a Thursday. Please read every night for at least 15 minutes. Repeated reading of your child’s reading book will build fluency, pace and confidence. Additional age appropriate reading can be found on the Oxford Owl website and/or through the Year 1 recommended reads list which can be found on the next page. Please comment and record when you have read with your child in their planners. Children will also have the opportunity to bring home a ‘reading for pleasure’ book of their choice from our class basket to share and enjoy at home.

  • Spelling:

    Spellings will be sent out on a Monday. Spellings will focus on the sounds we have looked at in our phonics lessons and common exception words children need to know in Year 1. Children will need to learn the spellings and use these to write their own sentences. You can find a list of common exception words for Year 1 in the End of Year One Expectations Booklet on the Year 1 webpage. Please return spelling sheets by Friday each week.

  • Maths:

    We will use Numbots to support maths learning in Year One. Please look in your child’s reading diary for information about Numbots and your child’s login details.

    Start and End of Day Procedures
  • Parents can drop off from 8:35-8:50am (from our class door).
  • Once the pupils are inside, they should deposit their belongings into their locker and wash their hands thoroughly for 20 seconds before starting the day.
  • At the end of the day, parents can collect from 3:05-3:20pm (from our class door).
  • Notes in school planners are the easiest way to communicate with us
  • Class Dojo messages
  • Class email address
  • Pre-arranged appointments
  • Parent consultations
  • Class Blog – every week

Timetable for Summer 2:

Year 1 Summer 2 timetable 2024.PNG


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Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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