Collective Worship

Worship is central to the life of our school.  There is a whole school worship every day at Brereton. All staff and children share in this special time and enjoy the variety of forms it takes.  We ensure that all children are encouraged to respond and reflect to enable them to internalise key messages from the Bible.  Worship is intended to be accessible for everyone and to provide pupils and staff with an opportunity to deepen their faith and develop their spirituality.  We aim to bond our school family and make our worship the most important time of the day.

Each half-term worship is given a particular focus and each day the worship is tailored to fit in with this, along with discussing any topical current issues.

We are fortunate that we have Reverend Sandi leading weekly worship for us. The children really enjoy these interactive and reflective worship times.  One class also visits St Oswald's each week for worship.

Friday is worship of celebration. As a whole school we celebrate all the achievements of the children, and sometimes staff, from both inside and outside of school. It is a special time that everyone enjoys as we round off another week of achievement at Brereton CE Primary School.

As a Church of England school we work closely with our church. Our relationship with St Oswald's church is very important to us and we are proud to belong to the family of the church here in Brereton.

Collective Worship must be according to the rites, practices and principles of the Church of England. Our central aims of collective worship (as detailed in the Diocesan guidelines) are to:

  • Enable children and staff to explore and celebrate the differences and diversity found in the variety of forms of worship in the Anglican Christian tradition.
  • Lead the school community to the ‘threshold of worship’ in order for them to make an informed choice about their own involvement and to consider their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Seek to deepen and widen the experience of those of ‘faith’ and encourage those of ‘no faith’ so that they begin to feel for themselves something of what it means to worship.
  • Use celebration, silence, stilling, reflection, contemplation, meditation, prayer, song, symbols and imagery as vehicles for worship and spiritual growth.
  • Provide opportunities for the whole school community to address God directly through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit through acknowledging his presence, reflecting upon his character and giving Him praise and honour.
  • Use a vocabulary of worship that encourages the whole school community to attend, participate and lead worship.
  • Encourage all present to explore their own beliefs and understanding of God within a Christian framework by learning more about the Christian faith and by encountering Christ through worship.
  • Raise awareness through reflection of the ultimate questions of life relating to matters of faith.
  • Reaffirm, strengthen and practise key Christian values. (e.g. love, peace, compassion, forgiveness, self-giving) and celebrate each unique individual member of the school community as made in the image of God.
  • Nurture and encourage respect and care for God's created world by promoting a positive attitude to environmental issues locally, nationally and globally.
  • Seek to provide opportunities for spiritual, social and moral development that is characterised be feelings such as awe, wonder, being uplifted, elation, appreciation, gratitude, respect, and reverence.
  • Develop a sense of community within the school, the locality, (e.g. local church) and foster the sense of being part of a wider community though the celebration of achievements, festivals and special occasions.
  • Foster a concern for the needs of others.


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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