Reception WB 2nd October 2017
Date: 6th Oct 2017 @ 8:00pm
Harvest Week
Firstly, a big well done to all of the children for their performance in today’s Harvest Service. To stand up in a packed church at such a young age is a true achievement and they should be very proud of themselves. Thank you to all parents who walked down with us and came to watch the service. Thank you also for your contributions for the local food bank.
In Literacy we have embraced Harvest and we have been learning to tell the story ‘The Enormous Turnip.’ We had lots of fun acting out the story using masks and we then wrote labels for the characters. On Thursday there has great hilarity as we learnt how to change a story and together we invented the story ‘The Enormous Pumpkin,’ which featured a grumpy fairy, a dragon, a knight, a pirate and a superhero. The children then made their own substitutions. Why not try changing one of your favourite stories at home?
In Maths this week we have been focussing on finding 1 more than a given number. We have used Numicon to help us and we have also added 1 more candle to playdough birthday cakes. The children were really good at this so next week we will progress to looking at 1 less.
Our Phonics sessions have seen us focus on the sounds o and g. We have been reading and writing words containing these sounds and we have practised forming the letters correctly. The children have also learnt a new set of High Frequency Words (HFWs) and these have been added to their word wallets.
We finished the week by learning our dance, ready for our Tatton Park trip. Please see our gallery items for photos! Now Y3 have been restored to their classroom we will be able to resume our Tuesday PE sessions so we will have lots of time to practise.
Have a wonderful weekend!