Reception WB 18th September

Date: 22nd Sep 2017 @ 8:12pm

A very successful week…

This week we have started to introduce a more structured timetable. On Tuesday we successfully completed Phonics, Guided Reading, Maths, Literacy and Understanding of the World lessons! It was a very proud moment. Well done to all of the children!

In Literacy, this week we have been looking at the story of The Three Little Pigs and we have had lots of fun acting out the story outside and sequencing pictures inside in order to make our own books. In Guided Reading, the children have listened to different versions of the story, such as ‘The Three Horrid Pigs and the Big Friendly Wolf’ and ‘The Three Ninja Pigs.’ They have discussed the similarities and differences, as well as learning new vocabulary such as ‘scampered’ and ‘pesky.’ We have put a list of new words in your child’s readies. Why not see how many you can drop into conversation?

In Phonics, we have been learning the sounds m, d and i. The rhymes for these are included in your child’s reading diaries. M and d are particularly tricky to form so any additional support you can give at home would be most beneficial. We have also been making up silly sentences, using words that begin with the same sound (The dog danced with the duck in a den.). The homework activity is designed to support this work.

During our Maths lessons, we have been learning the Numicon shapes. We will be using Numicon a lot as it provides the children with a great visual representation and will help them with skills such as adding, subtracting, doubling and place value. We had lots of fun hunting for the shapes outside and playing Numicon bingo.

The children have shown an interest in weddings so this week we have learnt about different ceremonies and we had lots of fun acting one out. Resources were added to the role play area so the children can play at royal weddings! Please share any photos or artefacts you have with your child.

Our focussed RE work saw us learn about the Good Samaritan and we discussed how we can help others.

Finally, we finished the week with a French lesson, where we learnt how to say hello and goodbye, and a PE session with Mr Jones.

Well done on a fantastic week everyone and we hope you have a wonderful weekend. Don’t forget it photo day on Monday!


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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