Year 5 Symmetry
Year 1 wb 20.3.15
Second Pensarn meeting for parents
Year 5 Volume
Year 4's trip to Little Moreton Hall
Year 1 wb 9.3.15
Pensarn parents meeting
Welcome Mr. Jackson
Year 5 Fractions
World Book Day 2015
Blast off!
Year 4 half term homework project
Year 5 Maths
Year 2 Residential Day 1
Year 4 Times Tables
Romans homework project
New Half Term
'Open the Book' assembly
Chinese New Year
British Government
Year 5 Measures
Year 4 Verona chooses a statue of Juliet
Brereton C E Primary School
School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN
Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson or Senco: Richard Cotton
Tel: 01270 918931
Email: [email protected]