Teacher Christine and Teacher Darel visit Brereton!

Date: 19th May 2015 @ 1:50pm

On Wednesday 13th May Teacher Christine and Teacher Darel, arrived at Brereton. They are visiting us from our link school, St Lwanga. Follow this blog to see what exciting adventures they have been on with your children ...

Thursday 14th May: The children greeted the visiting teachers in assembly by singing a range of beautiful songs. The Year 5 class wowed us again with their rendition of Amazing Grace. Chrsitine and Darel then spent the rest of the morning in Reception, learning how to retell the story of 'We're Going On a Bear Hunt'. The children then showed our visitors how they can change stories ... we heard 'We're Going On a Wizard Hunt' and 'We're Going On a Pirate Hunt'. Chrsitine taught the Year 1 children about what different animals can be found in Kenya and then the children created observational drawings.

Friday 15th May: Darel and Chrsitine worked with Year 3 and Year 4. The classes sang the British national anthem and then showed the visitors our traditional dances. Darel and Christine then taught the children some typical Kenyan dances and the children tried to sing in Kiswahili. In the evening Christine and Darel attended a traditional English BBQ which included lots of burger and even more rain!

Saturday 16th May: Christine and Darel visited Chester and learnt about the old Roman city. We walked around Chester Racecourse and sampled the delights of Primark!

Sunday 17th May: Sunday morning began with a wonderful service at St Oswald's Church, a big thank you to Robin and all of our families that attended. Christine and Darel loved to see the children in Church! Later that day our visitors went to Tatton Park, they were amazed to see Lord Egerton's house and gardens. Lord Egerton also built a castle in Kenya so it was interesting to compare the 2 buildings.

Monday 18th May: Chrsitine and Darel observed the hard work that Mrs Arthur puts into her reading recovery interventions. They were impressed to see how hard the children worked in a 1:1 situation and said they had learnt lots of reading tricks to take back to St Lwanga. They spent the afternoon in Year 5 and Year 6, the children taught Christine and Darel about our Government and informed them of our recent election. Christine and Darel then taught the children about the Kenyan government and their Presidents, the children were incredibly mature and respectful during these discussions.

Tuesday 19th May: The Year 1 and Year 2 attended school in British Era fancy dress to demonstrate to the Kenyan visitors how fashion has developed through the ages. We then saw lots of beautiful fabrics that Darel and Christine had brought with them from Kenya. The children learnt about how Kenyan fashion changed through the different tribes, we also learnt some information about the tribes that Darel and Christine are from. The children found this fascinating. The children then had the opportunity to paint observational pictures.

Wednesday 20th May: Christine and Darel have been incredibly busy teaching Playgroup, Recpetion, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 5 traditional African dances. The children had lots of fun and certainly built up a sweat!!

Thursday 21st May: Christine and Darel had a wonderful time with Reception on their visit to Trentham Gardens. They built dens, joined in with the barefoot walk and chose a class bear to take back to St Lwanga.

Friday 22nd May: What a wonderful farewell assesmbly, lead by the children! The children shared everything they had learnt from Christine and Darel and it was wonderful to see.

We have been so lucky to experence this amazing visit and I would like to thank Christine and Darel for all their hard work, all the Brereton staff for fully embracing this global fortnight and most importantly the children for getting full involved and being credits to our school.

Thank you

Miss Phillips

Global Coordinator

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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