Year 5 w/b 9th October
w/b 2nd October
Week Beginning 25th September
Year 5 w/b 18th September
Year 5 w.b 11th September
Our First Week in Y5
Last day
Super proud of Year 5
Making Fires for English
End of Summer 1
Singfest 23.3.23
End of Spring 1 - Year 5
Year 5 10th January 2022
Year 5's busy week
Year 5 End of first half term/
Year 5 update
Year 5 so far
Year 5 WC 5th September
28 June
Year 5 20th May
Year 5 the 13th of May
A short but hectic week for Year
Busy week for year 5
New term
Year 5 Bikeabilty
Brereton C E Primary School
School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN
Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson or Senco: Richard Cotton
Tel: 01270 918931
Email: [email protected]