Week Beginning 25th September

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 9:40am

The children have enjoyed another week of learning. In English they have completed and published their cliff-hanger stories and have been rightly proud of their first published piece. In maths they have moved on to addition and subtraction and have practised methods for mental calculation. Try asking them to add or subtract numbers when opportunities present themselves such as shopping or when they are asking for things!

To further practice their writing, some children have written some of our blog updates below.

In art we have been learning about a man called Adam Oehlers who illustrated our book 'The Errand'. We have been drawing figures and putting a figure of ourself in Adam Oehler's atmosphere.

In P.E we have been doing football and netball. In netball we have been doing matches, learning different passes and doing different games. In football we have been learning different kicks and tricks and passing the ball to our partner.

Written by Olivia 

This week in class we have been learning about enslaved people in history. In the topic we have been looking at how it felt to be an enslaved person. Did you know that 15% of slaves died on the ship from Africa to South and North America because of the lack of hygiene and of space?

Written by Ben

In R.E we have been learning about issues around the world. We have also been learning what the Bible teaches us about how to live and thinking about how Christians might respond. I looked at an earthquake in Indonesia and how people's homes, school, buildings and works have been destroyed.

Written by Neve  

We have reminded children to complete their homework (maths p.10 and English p88-89) and ensure they are reading at home at least 3 x each week and recording this in their planners.

We have also been talking about our school values of respect and hope and what these look like in our class and school. The children had some good ideas about how we can demonstrate these values,

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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