Year 6 WB 25th September
Date: 30th Sep 2023 @ 8:59am
It's been another busy week in Year 6 and the children have continued to work hard.
In English, we have continued to investigate Adaptation Explanations, looking at good examples and identifying key features and exploring new vocabulary. Mr Cotton was very impressed to see this learning transfer to his Science lesson, where we learnt about classification. We then designed their own zoo, placing similar animals next to one another.
In Maths, we have continued our focus on the four operations. There are some files attached at the bottom of this blog to help support this learning should you wish to at home.
Our computing lessons have been very interesting as we have been exploring the history of Bletchley Park. Why not find out more at home?
This learning also linked beautifully to our music unit, where we were exploring how music was used by WWI prisoners to send messages and children had a go at making their own codes.
The children are thoroughly enjoying our History unit and this week we have been investigating primary and secondary sources to learn more about the changing role of women.
Another super week, well done Year 6!