Year 3 wb: 8.1.24

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 2:24pm

Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to a new term, it was lovely to see everyone’s smiling faces again.

We have had a very busy week in Year 3!

In Maths, we started our multiplication and division unit, we began by focusing on multiples of 10 then related calculations.  We then had to compare two different multiplications, we had to find the answer and then say which one was less than, greater than or equal to. 

In English, we explored bringing an illustration to life. We freeze framed our acting and captured the most effective descriptive phrases through bringing our freeze frame to life.  We then created a conscience alley to say what the boy should do.  Should he listen to his Mum or not?

In Computing, we learnt that the way we communicate has changed over time. This is because technology has evolved and has made ways of communicating easier and more accessible. The first email was developed and sent in 1971 by an American computer programmer called Ray Tomlinson. Since then, email has evolved and is now one of the most common ways to communicate. We sent Mrs Wood an email to test how quickly we could send her a message. Mrs Wood replied in 34 seconds!

In PE, we moved the ball around our bodies in different ways - around our left leg, right leg, waist and a figure of eight. We then looked at the principles of dribbling - pushing, not patting and using finger pads. We then challenged our partners in a mirroring game and played follow the teacher. We also played pass it on and then played some small competitive games to consolidate the dribbling skill.

In Forest School, we made wands and traps to try and capture the witch from our new text 'Into the Forest'. We made dens with trip wire around them to try and entice the witch and decorated sticks to make wands. It was such fun! We learnt how to tie knots and how to keep our dens dry by covering the top to make a roof.

In our RE lesson, we used the effects of the wind and light to begin a discussion about change. Both wind and light have a dramatic effect and can change a room, landscape or object completely. We then looked at pictures of the effect of wind and light and discussed the changes.

We thought about:

What does ‘change’ mean?

How can our lives be changed? Is it easy to change?

What kind of things can happen that mean our lives are changed? e.g. new babies, moving house, making new friends, illness and death, also simple things like a new bike, a new pet or a new computer.

We realised that some changes are permanent and some are only for a short time and then things return to how they were before.  Finally, we looked at the story of Jesus meeting Levi (Matthew 9:9-13 The Calling of Levi) and thought about how Jesus changed Levi's life for the better; we then reflected on how Jesus changes lives.

In Music, we had such fun, we learnt a new piece of music called ‘How do you do?’  We really enjoyed playing our instruments together again.  

We loved having Year 5 join us this morning to share their favourite books with us, we also shared ours with them during our new 'Reading Buddy' time.                                                                                                          

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Mr M and Mrs T

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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