Year 3 Blog 13.10.23

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 2:55pm

What an incredibly busy week we’ve had in Year 3, it’s been a week filled with fun, facts and faith.

In maths, we began to subtract 10’s across one hundred.  We had to exchange the hundred base 10 for ten tens.  It was quite tricky but we persevered and used the equipment to help us as well as making our own number lines.

In English, we have been looking at the seven natural wonders of the world, we had to describe their features and used adjectives and expanded nouns to write effective sentences.  We then used Ipads to research our chosen wonder, we needed to find out where they were and fun facts about them.  Next week, we will be writing our own information report with the facts we found.

In computing, we learnt how information is found on websites, we learnt that the web address is like our own address and personal to that site. We had fun designing our own guide to how information is found and created a flow chart to show how a server is needed to store the information.

In forest school, we had great fun learning how a pumpkin grows from a blossom to a fruit.  We then enjoyed making pumpkins from clay and other natural objects found in our wonderful woodland area.

In PE, we learnt how to dodge one way and then sprint the other way into a space to dodge the defender.  We played a fun game of sharks and fish, the fish had to try and dodge the sharks and protect their tails.  We finished our lesson with a game of superhero in the middle, it was such fun!

In PSHE, we looked at different types of families, families with a mum and a dad, same sex families as well as others.  We found it really interesting and realised we are a school family too!

In science, we experimented with magnets, we had to test several objects to see if they were magnetic or not.  We also tested the strength of some magnets and recorded our findings.

In history, we continued our journey through time and learnt about the benefits of rail travel for children, families, factory workers and shopkeepers.

In Spanish, we recapped on colours and numbers.  We then used rally robin to practise saying them orally.  Finally, we practised greeting each other in Spanish.

We finished our week with a wonderful music lesson, we played ‘Start and Stop’ then we were music detectives.  It was great to have the whole class playing together, it was a complete joy to listen to and see the concentration and pride on the children’s faces.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy spending time together.

Mr M and Mrs T


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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