Year 1 w/b 5th June 2023

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 4:22pm

A warm welcome back to school after the half term and from the children’s excitement and news it sounds like you have had a great week either at the seaside, enjoys days out with family and friends, or spending time in the garden.

This week in Phonics we have been practicing all of the sounds that we know following ‘special friends, Fred talk, read the words’ to read as many real and nonsense words that we can!

In English, we enjoyed our hook lesson where Miss Sowter helped us discover the secrets inside a treasure box- sparkling gems, ancient pirate maps and jewelled rings. We wrote poems using exciting adjectives that described the treasure. Next, we read our focus text, ‘The Night Pirates’ and discussed our likes, dislikes, puzzles and patterns in the book. Finally, we have enjoyed answering questions about the book in a comprehension activity.

Division and sharing objects equally have been our focus in maths. Children have had the opportunity to share a given number of objects equally into halves and quaters to find out how many are in each group. They have been encouraged to make links between the two types of division in order to strengthen their conceptual understanding.

In Forest School this week we worked with Mr Simmons to build some of our own boats. We learnt how to tie knots so we could attach sticks together to make boats.

In PE this half term we are working on athletic activities. This week we were introduced to long lump. The children were challenged to see how far they could jump thinking carefully about how to bend their knees and use their arms to help them improve the distance they could travel. This preparation will lead nicely into sports day at the end of term.

In Science we started our second half term looking at plants, flowers and seeds. Today we linked our learning to our on going topic of seasonal change and revisited our class apple tree in the school playground. We first looked back at pictures of the tree during autumn and discussed the changes, and then we went outside to look closely at how the tree looks today. We could see many more green leaves; the spring blossom was all gone and in its place

were tiny apples. We carefully sketched the tree noting all the details. Finally, we wrote down the changes we observed and discussed them. We can't wait to see the apples grow over the next few weeks. Finally, we planted some seeds, sunflowers, we will carry out an experiment to see what conditions are best to see our sunflowers grow.


This half term we will be focussing on Geography. We will be learning about oceans and continents around the world, the seas around Great Britain, the human and physical features of British beaches and the use of a compass. It was really interesting to see where the children thought we lived using a map of the UK. This week we have been finding out more about the 5 oceans and 7 continents around the world. Perhaps you could share any experiences of visiting different places around with your children to help them understand similarities and differences of places around the world.

So, a lovely first few days back in school and we hope you can all enjoy a lovely weekend before we return on Monday

Many thanks

The Year 1 Team

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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