Year 1 w/b 17th May

Date: 20th May 2021 @ 4:00pm

After such a great week writing our return stories last week, we are sticking with the same text (The Secret of Black Rock) and have been looking at postcard writing. Erin, from ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ sent us a postcard and we are using this as a model to write our own postcards. This week we have been looking at language features such as alliteration, exclamation sentences, noun phrases and the use of conjunctions to join up parts of a sentence. We have answered comprehension questions about the text and looked at examples of Year One spelling patterns and rules used in the model text. Next week we will use these writing skills to write our own postcards that link both to ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ and to our history work where we will write postcards from seaside trips in the past. 

In Maths this week we have completed our multiplication unit of work. This has included making simple arrays to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We had to remember the words rows and columns when completing our own arrays. We have been making doubles using dominos and tens frames. Knowing how to speedily double numbers is a great skill that you can work on at home e.g. 10 is double 5 and double 6 is 12. We also looked at solving word problems using multiplication maths skills. We are so impressed with how well everyone is counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is another skill to continue to work on at home. How far can you count in 2s, 5s and 10s? Can you write the numbers down and form them correctly as you write them? Towards the end of the week, we moved on to our new unit which is division. To start introducing the concept of division we have looked at making equal groups. We will continue to look at this concept next week. 

This week in science we have consolidated our understanding of invertebrates and vertebrates from last week by proving and sharing our knowledge and understanding. There is a picture below to show how we grouped animals into vertebrates and invertebrates and explained why a dog is a vertebrate and a woodlouse is an invertebrate to share our understanding. 

It was our final lesson on the ‘Holy Spirit’ in RE this week and we reviewed and assessed our learning by explaining how Christians believe the Holy Spirit helps them in their lives today. Sharing what we have with others less fortunate than ourselves was an important part of our learning and linked well with our desire to send aid to India. 

In Collective worship we watched Newsround and their Coronavirus update on India. We heard from children in Britain who had relatives in India. They were very worried about their family in India and one little girl had just found out that 2 of her uncles living in India had died from the virus. We felt sad and worried as we heard these reports and decided we wanted to help. We started by praying then we thought we could have a non-uniform day at School and bring in some money to be sent to India. This reminded us about the Holy Spirit as a gift from God and the thought that we are encouraged to share what we have with others just like the early Christians did following Pentecost. We also looked at ‘colouring our world with kindness’. We looked at a range of ‘grey’ words that wouldn’t make our world a great place to live we then thought of the opposite to these words and coloured our world with kindness. We are now set up a kindness calendar to record acts of kindness we notice around school that help make our school even brighter.  

This week was our final practical session in DT, with a partner we have produced our final piece of playground equipment – a swing. Next week we will evaluate our pieces of playground equipment against the design brief we created earlier in the half term. Again, the teamwork and creativity the children have shown as been brilliant.  

This week we have introduced that song ‘New York, New York’ by Frank Sinatra. Lots of the children found my miming of the words particularly funny! 

We had a wonderful time at Forest School on Tuesday afternoon. Using pooters and observation dishes we carefully collected minibeasts from their habitats and looked at their features. We manged to collect ants, spiders, woodlice and aphids. Using magnifying equipment, we observed their features carefully which will help us in our science lessons. Great partner work and cooperative learning was observed, and a few photos can be seen below. 

Next Tuesday will be our seaside day in school. Please refer to the email distributed yesterday for more details and take a look at our blog and photos capturing our day which we shall post next Tuesday late afternoon. Let’s hope we have some sunshine! 

Many thanks, 

Mrs Pulle and Mrs Lindersen 

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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