Year 1 w/b 16th May

Date: 19th May 2022 @ 6:00pm

In English this week we seized the opportunity to write from personal memory about our trip to Chester Zoo last week. We have looked at a selection of recounts to identify the features including a piece of writing from Miss Ridge on her recount of the trip. We have had to ensure we follow the layout of a recount whilst adding in technical vocabulary to show our understanding of the animals we encountered. We will continue writing these next week and publish them to show off our writing and handwriting skills.

In phonics this week we have focussed our attention on recapping split diagraphs we find in words. These ‘chatty friends’ need to be split apart in words, but we are excellent at spotting them!

In Maths this week, we have been making arrays by recognising how the columns and rows make equal groups. We have identified groups in the arrays and used our mathematical reasoning and understanding of repeated addition to find how many objects are in an array altogether. This is the start of understanding multiplication using pictorial representations (arrays). We have also been creating our own arrays with repeated addition on whiteboards as an extra challenge. We progressed on to looking at doubles, it is important to see this through concrete, pictorial and abstract methods so we can see a double is two of the same number.   

In forest school this week the class had a wonderful time discovering homes for minibeasts and they watched an enormous family of tiny spiders working together.

Having explored how Zacchaeus the tax Collector had changed after meeting Jesus, we focused on why Zacchaeus changed. Year 1 had lots of suggestions which ranged from a desire for friendship and company to a recognition that Zacchaeus had made bad choices and wanted to be better. They also suggested that Jesus was setting a good example to Zacchaeus. As two children explained, ‘friends really are more important than money.’

On Tuesday afternoon we were lucky enough to meet some lambs visiting children in EYFS. It was a wonderful opportunity to apply our learning about animals in science lessons and find out, from looking at x-rays, some of the extraordinary things’ sheep can accidentally swallow- rings, coins and even a spoon!

In Design Technology we have continued to work with a partner to make our model playground equipment. We will have one final session to complete them and evaluate what we have made. We can’t wait to share the finished results with you.

As a change from our usual Friday timetable, we have had a lovely day writing postcards to the Queen and asking her a few questions. We have also made Royal Chocolate Chip Biscuits (we heard the Queen was quite partial to them so we thought we would taste them). We also used sketching pencils to draw the Queen to display around school as part of our jubilee celebrations. You might also see another special visitor to our class in the pictures below!

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Year One team

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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