w/b 2nd October

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 11:26am

The children have worked hard this week and completed lots of work. In maths we have continued to look at addition and subtraction and using rounding to estimate. In English we have moved on to our next writing outcome, a delivery manual - how to deliver happy endings through an enchanted forest. We have been looking at the poem 'The Song of the Shirt' by Thomas Hood in guided reading. The children have been working to understand the poet's message about working conditions in Victorian Britain. 
Unfortunately, we have seen some unkindness at playtimes this week and we have devoted worship time to look at scenarios and how to respond. We also have our 'As a class we will...' posters on display as a reminder of the commitments they have made.
We are looking forward to our visit to Chester Cathedral on Monday. Children need to wear their normal uniform, bring a packed lunch (disposable if possible please) and a coat. We will be leaving school at 8:35am so please ensure children arrive at 8:30 (the pedestrian gate next to our classroom will be the easiest drop off for you).
Mrs Wood and Mrs Field

In PE this week we did football. We practiced passing and turning with our foot. Lots of the footballers were really good at it. I liked the warm up 'heroes and villains'. There are two on each team and the villains have to go around and tap their foot on the ball. If your ball is tapped, you stand still with your legs wide and the heroes come around and kick their ball through your legs to free you.
In science we are learning about plants and animals growing and how they reproduce. Did you know that bees transport the male and female sex cells between plants to pollinate them? Did you know that the strawberry plant can reproduce in two ways? Asexual means just one parent and it produces runners to reproduce. Sexual reproduction means two parents so bees take pollen from one strawberry plant to another to help produce seeds. Did you know that it is a male seahorse who has the babies? The female puts eggs into a male!
Thea, Axel and Noah

In class worship we looked at our value of community. We were talking about how we can help each other. Community means treat each other as you want to be treated and always include people, care about each other, work together and listen to each other, always try to forgive, try to see other people's point of view.
On Monday we had our first Singfest rehearsal (our concert will be at Congleton Town Hall in March and you can come to watch). It was really fun and we did fun activities like jumping around with singing and dancing. Now for the main part, we sang songs with heroes and villains; some were Disney characters. We learnt warm ups called 'jump, jump, jump' and others. My favourite song was 'A Whole New World' and 'Hakuna Matata'.
Written by Rosamai

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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