Merry Christmas!

Date: 20th Dec 2023 @ 10:55am

Mrs Warren, Mrs Gleave and I have had a fabulous time over the past few weeks with Year 4. They have worked hard to the end and shown some wonderful reflective moments at this time of great joy in the Christian calendar.

Our week has focussed on our RE writing. We have looked at how the Light of Jesus guides the actions of not only famous people but also people in our every day lives. We split into 3 groups, each group being given a character from recent history. We had Team Martin Luther King, Team Mother Teresa and Team Rosa Parks. We looked at the challenges they faced and how Jesus' teachings informed their choices.

As we made the artwork for our Christmas cards, we considered how artists had depicted the Light of Christ in their paintings. This informed our own choices when we designed our pictures: where to place Jesus, the shape of the drawing, the light within the picture and the colours chosen. Inside, we wrote the bible passage that we have been focussing on this term: 'The true Light was coming into the world (John 1:9).

Today, the children enjoyed The Grinch altogether in the hall as well as a dramatic Worship led by Reverend Sandi.

Mr Simmons also visited with Ephram to talk about a wasp nest Ephram had found.

Also, there was a very special visitor this afternoon! The children must have been well-behaved! Father Christmas brought us two hang drums for our Forest School sessions.

Finally, we waved a tearful farewell to Henry who has moved to pastures new. He has promised to pop in to see us and tell us of his adventures. We wish him every joy at his new school.

Wishing everyone a peaceful Christmas and looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

Mrs Tice, Mrs Warren and Mrs Gleave.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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