19th April

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 3:47pm

Well done on a very busy first week back!

We have all worked super hard and have been putting in all our effort into every lesson. We have learnt so many new things – exploring graphs and charts in maths and all about the circulatory system in science with Mr Cotton. We started our week by writing our ‘Thank you’ letters to CMC Adventure. It was lovely to talk about our favourite parts and share our memories, we all really did have the best time!

This afternoon we have played rounders with Mr McAuley, we practiced our batting and catching skills before playing a full game. In music with Mrs Tice we learnt how to write songs, we had so much fun and some of us have taken our books home to continue writing there. We have also been continuing our English writing unit on wolves and have been looking at information texts in preparation for writing our own. We are looking forward to this and have been thinking about how we will set them out and pictures or diagrams that we can include.

As our SATs tests are getting nearer, we have also been doing some revision, focusing on the topics we are feeling less confident with. It has been wonderful to see so many of you help each other and share your knowledge. We will continue to do this up until our tests to make sure that we are all as confident and happy as possible going in. I am sure you will all be amazing!

Our certificate this week went to Toby, for his wonderful thank you letter- he recalled so many wonderful memories and special thank you messages to each member of staff, it was wonderful to read! Joel has also had a fantastic week and has gained responisbilty of looking after the Year 6 plant, we are hoping that he can help it to flourish! 

A reminder that homework is now being set on a Wednesday for the following one, please ensure this is completed. PE will remain on a Friday so please wear correct kit on this day.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Pirie

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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