World Book Day 2015
World Book Day 2015
This year World Book Day will be on Thursday 5th March. Here is what we have got planned at Brereton...
Bedtime Stories
On Thursday 5th March we would like to invite children to come to school in their pyjamas, ready for bedtime stories and hot chocolate. Children will be visiting other classes and sharing stories so could all pupils please bring in their favourite book from home (please write your child’s name inside). Class teachers will plan a range of activities for the duration of the day.
Extreme Reading
We are also asking for photos of pupils reading in weird and wonderful places (whilst still keeping safe!) and we will use these photos to create a display. Why not use the half term holiday to explore new places to read. Please send all photos into school in a named envelope by Wednesday 4th March.
Author Visit
We are also very excited to inform you that the author Damian Harvey will be visiting Brereton on Monday 30th March. Damian is a very successful author who writes for a variety of ages. During the course of the day he will work with each class, after which the class teachers will complete a range of follow up activities. In order to cover the cost of the day we are asking for a £2 contribution from each pupil. The day promises to be immensely enjoyable and it is a great opportunity for the children to work with and learn from a published author. Why not visit the library over half term and read some of Damian’s books prior to his visit?
A selection of Damian's Books will be available for the children to borrow and read prior to his visit. These can be found next to the school council notice board after half term. You can also visit his website to find out more about him.
If you have any other ideas please let me know!
Miss Goff