BBC 500 Words 2017

BBC 500 Words Writing Competition:

The BBC have now launched their wonderful 500 Word short story competition and we are very eager for the pupils of Brereton to take part.  We are therefore inviting pupils from across the school to get planning and write their own story. 

About 500 Words:

Seven years ago, Chris Evans had a dream: to get children excited about reading and writing. All children, no matter what their ability. 500 Words is now one of the most successful story-writing competitions for kids in the world. Nearly half a million pupils have written a story for us; that’s over 277 MILLION words!

It’s very simple. Entrants write an original story on any subject or theme in 500 Words or fewer and submit it online. If they win, their story will be read live on the radio by a superstar celebrity…like Julie Walters, Tom Hiddleston, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Jeremy Irons, or Sherlock himself – Benedict Cumberbatch. Each year, 10 million Radio 2 listeners hear, read and love these stories.

This years final is being held at The Tower of London.  As well as shortlisted entrants, who will be awarded a pair of tickets, all entries will be entered into a ballot to win tickets to the final and meet the celebs!   Last year one of own pupils was lucky enough to attend the final at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre.  

Entry opens on Monday 16 January 2017 at 08:00.

Entry closes on Thursday 23 February 2017 at 19:00.

Attached to this news item are competition rules and frequently asked questions.  Please read these carefully.  The official website ( also has lots of hints and tips, including videos, to help your child with their story.  School staff are happy to listen to ideas, read extracts or assist with submissions so if unsure please do speak to your class teacher or myself.

Happy writing!

Miss Goff



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Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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