Year 2 w/b 5th June
Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 3:42pm
What a busy but fantastic week we have had!
I am so incredibly proud of Year Two as they have worked ever so hard this week. The past few weeks have been filled with lots of maths, reading and writing as Brereton was chosen for a Cheshire East moderation. Not only were we impressed by Year Two, but Cheshire East were completely blown away by the outstanding work the children have completed across the year. They have truly demonstrated resilience, courage and determination and I would like to thank all parents for the wonderful support you have given children at home. We are all very excited for a great week ahead of us!
In PE this week, we have started our unit on athletics. We enjoyed time in the glorious sunshine taking part in a series of activities that included, speed bounce, triple jump and skipping. Tremendous fun was had by all and we even kept the skipping ropes out at playtime for a little extra practise.
In RE this week, we are beginning to learn about Judaism. We looked at lots of artefacts and learnt that in Hebrew the word Torah means “to teach” or “to show the way.” We discovered that Jews believe that there is only one God. They believe they have a special agreement with God called a covenant. Jews promise to obey God’s laws to say thank you to him for looking after them. We were all very interested in finding out about other world religions and were fascinated by the Jewish customs and faith.
We have started our new art topic on L.S Lowry. We discovered his full name was Laurence Stephen Lowry and he was born on 1st November 1887 in Stretford, Lancashire. We created our own fact files all about Lowry and enjoyed listening to the song ‘Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs’ which is a tribute song written all about the artist.
We hope you have a lovely weekend in the sunshine and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Miss Roxburgh and Mrs Taylor