Year One - Week commencing 23rd September 2019
Date: 27th Sep 2019 @ 8:49pm
We have had a busy week in Year One. It was lovely to see so many of you supporting the MacMillan Coffee morning this morning. The children have worked hard on their performance and I am sure you are all still singing The Harvest Samba!
I have set MyMaths homework to be in on the 4th October. Children are likely to have homework which is different from their classmates so please don't be concerned about this. I will attempt to do my best to set this on a Friday but this may not always be possible. Your child may come home with a maths sheet instead of MyMaths from time to time.
All children have had spellings homework this week which differs according to their phonics groups. This includes the sounds we have been practising in phonics lessons and a formal test will not take place, it's simply to practice and embed our phonics.
We have been focussing on resilience in our PSHE lessons. All children appear to have enjoyed talking about worries they may have and how they resolve their problems with cuddles and treats.
In maths we have been working on greatest/most, least/fewer and ordinal numbers. In English, we have described a good character using interesting adjectives and the use of plurals in preparation for writing our own stories next week. We have had lots of variety in our guided reading, including reading with an adult, with each other, doing wordsearches and answering questions about our reading.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Baddeley