Year One - Week commencing 16th September 2019
Date: 22nd Sep 2019 @ 4:44pm
Year One have had a fantastic week!
Maths this week involved becoming familiar with the mathematical terms more, less and fewer and then with the mathematical symbols for these.
They enjoyed getting out the apparatus for Gymnastics in PE this week and had great ideas about how to move along the benches. Thank you for your patience with the swapping round of PE kits/uniforms after PE. Could you please make sure all school uniform is named? I have a growing pile of unnamed jumpers/cardigans in the classroom.
In science, we continued with materials and sorted objects into paper, wood, metal, stone and plastic. We have spent time devising a story map for a similar story to Rapunzel. The children were very imaginative when thinking of actions to go with the story.
Thank you too for watching "The Harvest Samba" on YouTube and helping your children to learn the lyrics. They're doing really well with this and will be ready for the MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday.
We looked at different sorts of maps in topic this week, identifying human and natural features. They particularly liked Google Earth! All of the children then worked really hard at making a map of Brereton. They look great.
All children have had MyMaths homework and phonics/spelling to complete this week. Could you remind your children to write their names on this please?
This week, I will send home 'Homework Challenges' for this half term. Children will receive Dojo points for completing one of the challenges. During the last week of half term, these will be displayed in a Learning Exhibition where children have the chance to show off what they have done at home and talk to you about their topic work in class. Please bring completed work in on Thursday 17th October. This is now on the class page on the website.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs Baddeley