Year 6 w.b: 18.11.24

Date: 19th Nov 2024 @ 10:54am

What a wonderful week we’ve had in Year 6!

It has been filled with writing flashback narratives, learning new weather vocabulary in Spanish and adding and subtracting fractions.

In Maths, we began the week by finding equivalent fractions, simplifying them and finding them on a number line.  We then compared and ordered fractions with the same denominator, then the same numerator but with different denominator.  Finally, we were challenged by adding and subtracting fractions.

In English, we began to plan our flashback narratives.  Firstly, we wrote two paragraphs with intensifying weather conditions in each, we then wrote our final paragraph where the weather decreased and the sea calmed, all in the present tense.  Finally, we wrote our two flashback paragraphs in the past tense, remembering our top tips and using transitional sentences to make our writing cohesive.

In Spanish, we learnt new weather vocabulary.  Once we had time to practise, we quizzed each other.  Why not quiz us on our new found learning?

Está nublado - It is cloudy

Está soleado - It is sunny

Está despejado - It is clear

Está ventoso - It is windy

Está tormentoso - It is stormy

Está lloviendo - It is raining

Está nevando - It is snowing

In PE, we practised passing and shooting in netball.  We practised gripping the ball securely, having a strong, secure grip on the ball. Mr McAulay told us that a relaxed but firm grip allows us to pass with power and control.

In Computing, we created a new AI use to help solve the problem of recycling and waste management in schools.  AI enables machines to think and learn like humans.  It involves creating computer programs that can solve problems, make decisions, and improve over time.  AI can recognize patterns, learn from experiences, process language, and make decisions.  Apparently teaching a robot AI is similar to teaching a pet new tricks.

In Music, we learnt about the singer Mika.  Mika is a singer-songwriter born in Beirut, Lebanon, and raised in Paris and London.  One of his most famous songs is called 'Grace Kelly'. At its core, 'Grace Kelly' is a song about embracing ourselves for who we are. 

In Science, we checked on our bread, I bet you can’t wait to find out the results!  We left pieces of dry or wet bread in sealed bags in several places around school and sure enough, mould grew but not on all of them.  We concluded that the damp bread grew mould quicker than the dry bread. 

In Art, we added more water colour to our positive affirmation zig zags.  We wanted to create a depth of colour, essentially, the watercolours are a dry pigment and the water is used as a vehicle for the pigments. We rehydrated the paint to create a flowing mixture and applied it to our original work.  They look fantastic!

In Geography, we tried to name as many of Asia’s countries as we could. Did you know that there are 48 countries in Asia today? Asia is highly populated, for its size, a whopping 60% of the world’s population live in Asia. However, it does not contain 60% of the world’s land area!   Asia is the largest continent on Earth, it covers 9% of the Earth's total surface area and has the longest coastline, at 62,800 kilometres (39,022 mi).

The highlight of the week was the snow…we enjoyed building snowmen, making snow angels and revelling in the softly fallen snow. 

Maths Homework:  Pages 26,27,28 and 29 due in on Monday 25th November.

Spellings:  apparent, appreciate, attached, available, average, awkward

Just a quick reminder about homework; we set homework according to the weeks learning on a Monday, we check the homework together the following Monday.  As we are preparing the children for high school, it is important that the children complete the homework to consolidate their learning.   As always, if anyone needs help, please let us know as we can arrange time in school before the due date.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend, wrap up warm and enjoy time together.

Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931


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