Year 6 w/c 27.01.25
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 2:31pm
Year 6
Another great week in Year 6! We were totally inspired by David Coleman, a Commando in the Royal Marines who has served in Afghanistan and saved migrants who were stranded at sea in fishing vessels during severe storms. We think he is a true hero!
In Maths, we began by looking at scale factors. The scale factor is the number that is multiplied by the scale of an object to get another object that looks the same but is a different size; either scaled up or down. We then looked at ratio problems, a ratio says how much of one thing there is compared to another thing. We drew diagrams to represent ratios, completed tables and figured out problems, remembering to use the sentence starter ‘For every …’
In English, we completed our diary entries in the style of Rose Blanche during WW2. We wrote our diaries in first person, in past tense and of course we remembered we needed to write in chronological order. We used informal language to show we have used the voice of a child and informal speech structures. We also words and phrases to help the reader understand the character’s feelings.
In Art, we researched British WW2 planes and then tried to sketch them. We learnt that using the right drawing pencil can make a big difference in how our sketches or drawings turn out. 6H is the lightest and hardest grade pencil; 8B is the darkest and softest grade. We sketched our bombers using a 2B pencil and we were able to add shade where the darkest parts were and added tint with the help of rubbers.
In History, we learnt about The Holocaust, this was a period in history during which millions of Jewish people (who Nazis identified using a Star of David) and other people were killed because of their identity. Nazis were ruthlessly anti-semitic, and this affected all of their policies and actions. They also believed that Germany was a better country than others and their people's superiority meant they could and should dominate other people. This is what led to Germany invading and taking over other countries.
In PE, it was tag rugby week. The game begins with a pass backwards from the centre spot. A try can only be scored when the ball is touched to the ground and you cannot pass the ball forwards. When a try is scored, the game is restarted by a free pass from the centre of the pitch by the non-scoring team. The only contact allowed between players is the removal of a tag by a defender from the belt of the ball carrier. It was great fun!
In Forest school, we thought more about WW2 and the trenches the soldiers spent most of their time. On the Western Front, soldiers on both sides lived in trenches. Trenches were long, narrow ditches dug into the ground, they were very muddy and some soldiers developed a problem called trench foot.
In Computing, we created art by generating codes using the Python Coding website:
We used code to change the colours and shapes to create our own artwork in the style of the famous artist Piet Mondrian.
In Music, we watched a futuristic video that had no sound. We then thought carefully about the sounds that would work with the film. Working together, we discussed the timings of the film and what instruments would be best.
Homework: Please complete pages 50, 51 and 52 (due in for Monday).
It would also be wonderful if you could write a diary of a day over the weekend to reinforce our previous learning. A diary is a personal record of events, thoughts, and feelings which is usually written and arranged in chronological order (the order in which things happen in). A diary entry is written in an informal style, uses chatty language and opinions as well as facts. Diaries include rhetorical questions, exclamations and first-person pronouns. Tenses can vary, but diaries tend to be past tense but can use present tense to bring an event to life for the reader.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor 😊