Year 6 w/b 7/3/16

Date: 12th Mar 2016 @ 8:26pm

This week we have been revising our knowledge of fractions and children have now covered all the Y6 objectives linked to fractions. They should be able to:

- Find fractions of quantities (3/5 of 365)

- Compare and order fractions, decimals and percentages. (This will often involve finding a common denominator before ordering)

- Add and subtract fractions

- Multiply fractions

- Divide fractions by whole numbers

- Simplify fractions


Children have examples of all this work in their pink revision books.

We have also been working on improving our answers to comprehension questions, particularly with poetry. The children are becoming increasingly confident with their answers. To support this work at home try asking children to find a single word or short phrase which shows a character's feelings or motivations. It is also helpful to pick out unfamiliar words and ask children to work out what they could mean using the rest of the text to help before looking them up together.

I am certain that all children are beginning to get excited about their residential trip to Pensarn. As this is the last week in school, I will be giving out some tasks children could try over Easter. It is important for them to have a break (and I'm sure they'll need extra sleep), but short fun tasks will help them when they return to school.

I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931


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