Year 6 w.b: 24.02.25

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 3:37pm

Year 6

A great first week back for Year 6!

In Maths, we continued our algebra unit with one-step equations and part-whole models.  We wrote algebraic equations to represent bar models and then moved onto two-step equations where we had to find values and solve tricky calculations. To finish our week, we found pairs of values and were challenged by solving problems with two unknowns.

In English, we began our new unit ‘The Ways of the Wolves’.  The wolf stalks the wilderness and our own imaginations.  Majestic and fierce, proud and strong, the wolf has always been a source of fascination – and fear. It remains one of the most misunderstood of all creatures, frequently cast as our mortal enemy. The truth is that wolves and humans are more closely connected than we dare to admit.  We began by focusing on the vocabulary and finding the definitions of tricky words using a dictionary.  We then explored the model text in a little bit more detail.

In P.E, we began our cricket topic.  We learnt how to develop control and gain greater direction when batting.   We also aimed to improve our accuracy in overarm bowling and improve our skills catching the ball on the move.  We also practised a variety of effective throwing techniques to return the ball to the bowler.  It was great fun!

In Science, we learnt that light travels in straight lines. When light hits an object, it is reflected by that object and travels in straight lines to our eyes. Our eyes take in some of this light and information is sent to the brain. This is how we see the object.




We then learnt that a reflection involves a source of light and a surface. The light travels towards the surface and bounces off of it.  Mirrors reflect lots of light, but most objects reflect at least a bit of light.

In Geography, we learnt that mountains are areas of land that are much higher than the land surrounding them.  They are higher and usually steeper than a hill and are generally over 600 metres high. They are often found together in a group called a mountain range.   Some well-known mountain ranges in the world include:

the Himalayas in Asia, the tallest mountain range in the world

the Andes in South America, the longest range on land in the world

the Alps in Europe

the Urals, a natural border between Europe and Asia

the Rocky Mountains, the longest range in North America

the Atlas Mountains in North Africa

The highest mountain ranges are created by tectonic plates pushing together and forcing the ground up where they meet. This is how the mountains of the Himalayas in Asia were formed.

In Art, we learnt all about the artist Edvard Munch, (12 December 1863 – 23 January 1944) He was a Norwegian painter and print-maker and was an expressionist who painted 1789 known paintings.  We then learnt all about Banksy, he's one of the world's most famous artists, but despite his global following, his identity remains, officially at least, unknown. We found out that often Banksy is described as "elusive" and "secretive" by the press. We loved his artwork, even though he is considered a vandal and we discovered that he counts A-list celebrities, such as actor Brad Pitt, among his fans and collectors.

In Music, we learnt that beat is the steady, underlying pulse of the music (like your heartbeat, a clock's tick, or the part of the music that you would clap or tap along too). The rhythm is the changing patterns of long sounds, short sounds and silences that are played or sung in a song.

We had a wonderful springtime walk down to church, we saw lots of new life, daffodils and bluebells were beginning to poke their heads out from the lush, green grass. We talked about forgiveness and Rev. Sandi told us the story of ‘The Prodigal Son’.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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