Year 6 w.b: 2.12.24

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 4:11pm

Yet another amazing week in Year 6 as we hurtle closer towards Christmas. 

In Maths, we began the week by multiplying fractions by integers; we used number lines, bar models and fraction wheels to show the calculations. We then moved onto multiplying fractions by fractions, dividing a fraction by an integer and checking whether Tiny the tortoise was trying to trick us.

In English, we explored the characters within our text, we discussed how the different people would feel, what they might have said and what they might have done whilst on the boat to safety. We then practiced used direct and indirect (reported) speech.  Direct speech: Quotes the exact words spoken by a person within inverted commas. Indirect speech: Reports the words of the speaker without using their exact words and without inverted commas.

In Computing, we worked with students from Year 12 on coding and programming using microbits.  It was quite tricky at first but we soon got the hang of it.

In Spanish, we have continued to look at the weather and have used our knowledge on this to create weather reports. We have learnt new vocabulary for locations of Spain and used these in our reports.

In Art, we began our family portraits, we hope you’ll be impressed when you see them.

We all enjoyed the most amazing trip to the theatre to watch ‘The Three Musketeers’.  Olive and Thea reported that they thought it was just amazing. (Just checking you’ve read the bit about direct and indirect speech J)

We also had a very special visitor; Father Christmas, who took time out of his very hectic schedule to delivery us some Christmas treats.

Finally, we said a sad farewell to Mr Mason, who has been with us for the past few weeks.  We do wish him well for the future.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy time together.

Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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