Year 6 wb: 04.11.24
Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 9:43am
What a wonderful first week back!
In Maths, we completed our addition, subtraction, multiplication and division unit by learning revising BIDMAS, the order of operations is the order you work out the parts of an equation to give you the correct answer. BIDMAS is an acronym used to tell you the correct order to complete a equation when there are different operations. BIDMAS stands for B rackets, I ndices, D ivision, M ultiplication, A ddition, S ubtraction. We then solved multi-step problems and practised estimating, which is quite a useful skill now we are getting older.
In English, we recapped on expanded noun phrases which add more detail to the noun by adding one or more adjectives but no verbs. We then began our new text which is called ‘A story like the wind’. A boy finds himself on a small dinghy with a group of people. They are fleeing a war and have paid an expensive fare to make this dangerous journey. When the boy realises he cannot share the food, as he has nothing to offer in return, he is encouraged to share music, for his sole possession is a violin. We made predictions about the text and then explored the mood of the text by locating effective verbs, phrases that captured the sounds and phrases that captured the feelings.
In RE, we discussed what a pilgrimage was and why people go on them. We thought carefully about whether their journey needed to be to a place of worship or a place of significance. We then continued researching Christian, Jewish, Muslim pilgrimage. We found out that The Holy Land is a place of pilgrimage for Christians, Jews and Muslims.
In Computing, we used Turtle Academy and began typing in code for the first time. We all achieved the objective with many of us even extending our coding knowledge. When writing programs, we learnt that we should avoid long, repetitive codes. Procedures and functions help us to keep our programs simple and short.
In PE, we practised our netball skills, we recapped how to stand with our feet shoulder width apart on the balls of your feet and keep our bodies straight in a forward-facing position. We then enjoyed playing mini matches. It was such fun!
In Art, we researched two great artists; Kandinsky and Romain. Wassily Kandinsky, who was born in 1866 in Moscow, Russia and died in 1944. He is well-known for creating abstract paintings. Abstract art uses shapes, lines and colours but doesn't need to look realistic. Ricky Romain who endeavoured to create work that reflects the complexity of political conflict surrounding prominent Human Rights issues. We then created our own knowledge organisers and discussed what we would include in our paintings if we felt strongly about something.
The highlight of the week was reading with children in Year 3. We really enjoyed sharing stories and spending time with our 'Reading Buddies'.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor