Year 6 w.b: 03.03.25

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 2:59pm

Year 6


We had a very busy and exciting week in Year 6!  We were extremely impressed by the creativity of the costumes on World Book Day.  Some of the words the children dressed as were just simply amazing!  We had the words fragile, flocculent and incandescent portrayed in just the most wonderful and inventive way.  Well done to everyone who took part!

In English, we began to plan our documentary narrative about wolves.  We read the story ‘The Ways of the Wolves’ again, learnt new vocabulary to include in our plans and even watched a clip of David Attenborough observing a pack of wolves.  We will be writing our narrative next week!

In Maths, we completed our unit on algebra.  We learnt how to use simple formulae, describe number sequences using letters as symbols, and find unknowns in equations. We realised that Algebra is like solving puzzles with letters instead of just numbers, using these letters to represent unknown values or values that can change. It is a part of maths where numbers in equations or formulae are represented by letters or other symbols. We had great fun with this unit and our end of unit assessments showed that we really understood the unit.

In Spanish, we recapped on family member vocabulary and then built upon our previous learning. We then practised our conversational skills by working with our partners to ask who is in our families and learnt how to ask if they are younger or older.

In Geography, we began investigating mountainous environments.  We researched how different mountains got their names, where they are located, the elevation and even the first person’s name who attempted to climb it.  Finally, we found out an interesting fact about our chosen mountain.

In P.E, we confidently remembered all the rules for batting and bowling in rounders.  We mastered bowling, batting and fielding skills and used a range of tactics for attacking and defending in the role of bowler, batter and fielder.  It was such fun!

In Art, we realised that Banksy’s work encourages people to think about things that affect their lives and consider whether they think something in society is right or wrong.  One of Banksy's well-known pieces is called Sweep it Under the Carpet and was made in 2006 on a wall in London.  It shows a maid sweeping dirt under the cover of a brick wall. It's thought that Banksy painted it to show how he feels some countries ignore serious issues elsewhere in the world.  With this in mind, we thought about the recent text we have read about the wolves and how some people think they are mean and aggressive and try to cause them harm.  We realised they are highly social and family-oriented animals and wanted to portray them as such.

In R.E, we recalled significant events that have happened in our lives. We thought that it was important to remember these events and learn for them.  We also said it is imperative that we remember people who we have lost and honour them in a way we can recollect the good times we have shared.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Pirie and Mrs Taylor


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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