Year 6 - New Year

Date: 1st Jan 2020 @ 6:39pm

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the festivities and the children have made the most of their time off school. Thank you so much for the kind cards and gifts I received before Christmas: it was very kind of you and most appreciated.

As you are aware, the Christmas holiday marked the end of Mrs Tice's first placement with us and she will be working in a Y2 class in Alsager gaining experience of KS1 for the next term. Thankfully, she will return at Easter and remain with us until near the end of summer term. In her absence Mr Cotton will be supporting us during the majority of our English lessons enabling us to support the progress of all children. We are also incredibly fortunate that Mrs Hardcastle continues to volunteer to support maths on a Wednesday and Thursday morning working with groups of children. She has a huge wealth of secondary maths experience and the children very much enjoy working with her. Mrs Pulle will continue to teach RE, mostly on Monday afternoons, and Mr Cotton will teach science on Thursday's. PE will normally take place on Tuesday afternoons, but occasionally we have visits from Mr Capewell (who will be teaching on Friday 10th January) and other sports groups so please could you ensure children have full kit with them every day. 

The children have lots to look forward to when we return on Tuesday 7th January. Our new topic focuses on refugees and on Friday 7th February we have Muhammad, a Syrian refugee, coming to school to talk about his experiences. Muhammad has previously visited Egerton Primary School and was very well received by the whole school community. Our topic web and new homework tasks will be added to our class page on the website over the next few days.

Our English work will also link to our topic and we will be writing stories and newspaper reports linked to the book 'Story Like the Wind'. Our class novel will be The Boy at the Back of the Class. Some of our guided reading will be linked to this text, but we will also be looking at text extracts from different genres focussing on increasing our reading speed and fluency. 

Our maths will focus on decimals and percentages before moving onto algebra. I'm sure that the children will amaze you with what they are able to achieve!

Finally, we are hoping to run another bring and buy toy sale just before February half term. This was a successful fundraiser for our class charity last year raising over £60 and we are hoping to beat that figure this year. So, if you happen to have had a Christmas clear out and have any good quality but unwanted toys, books, games or DVDs please could you consider donating them for our sale.

I look forward to seeing you all on the 7th January,

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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