Year 5 w.b 22/1/24

Date: 26th Jan 2024 @ 2:58pm

In English this week the children have done some wonderful creative writing, using expanded noun phrases and metaphors to write poems about the moon and the Earth. We then imagined that we were Neil Armstrong after landing on the moon and considered his thoughts and feelings after this momentous achievement. Next week, we'll be planning our own exploration narratives about landing on Mars. 
In Maths, we have started our next Fractions unit which looks at multiplying fractions and mixed numbers by an integer. This involves using what we learnt last term about converting between mixed and improper fractions. The most challenging thing for children has been to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers. Continuing to notice fractions in everday life such as segments in an orange, pieces of pizza or cake etc will help children to understand.
In our SCARF lesson, we looked at vaping and discussed whether it was healthy or unhealthy. The children had some good discussions about how they believed it was unhealthy and that vape shops shouldn't be targeting young people with bright colours and fruity flavours. 
In history we learnt about every day life in the Shang Dynasty. We learnt about the importance of the Yellow River, the types of foods they ate and about their social classes. At the end of the lesson, we tried some ginger millet porridge which the Shangs might have eaten. Some of the children really enjoyed it, so here is the recipe if you'd like to try it at home: 
200g millet grains
200ml milk
200ml water
tsp grated ginger
  1. Place millet in a saucepan and mix in water.
  2. Add ginger and milk and bring to the boil. 
  3. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20 mins or until the liquid has been absorbed.
  4. Add more milk or water if it becomes too thick. 

We had another wonderful Mini Medics lesson with Mr Aspinall on Tuesday. We made a collective 'Christmas dinner'. We noticed that by adding everyones ideas there were some things we didn't like - but that was okay, we could ignore them. We realised it would be unfair to the people who did like them not to have them on the plate. However, if a poo (they loved that part) touched our plate the whole meal would be ruined! We then played games outside trying to put the feelings of others before our own and noticing mince pie and olive behaviours (the ones Mr Aspinall didn't like) and thinking about what to do to ensure no behaviour had the 'poo' effect.

In RE this week we continued working towards answering our big question - Why do Christians think Jesus was a great teacher? We held a debate to discuss the most important thing Jesus taught. The result was we thought the most improtant thing was his greatest commandment - to love God. If Christians love God they will be doing all the other things he taught.

This week, the Computing lesson continued our exploration of the Sonic Pi software where children can build soundscapes using online synthesizers. We crafted some music to fit a part of the story, Where The Wild Things Are. Noah and Kaiden shone particularly in their choice of pitches, rhythm and sound (timbres) and won a Music Certificate in this week's Celebration assembly. Sonic Pi is easily downloadable as an app from their website:
Although the computing lesson could be a music lesson on its own, the children have also been learning about Performance Poetry in Music. Their starting point has been Michael Rosen's Rap: From here the children have been developing verses, choruses and bridge sections to their poems all about themselves. Next week, Beatboxing!
Science and guided reading have come together this half terms as children are learning about Earth and Space. This week we have been learning about the Moon. The children have asked some wonderful questions developing thier knowledge and it has been lovely to see them so enthused. Mr Cotton has given children a Moon Diary to keep for the next two weeks and has asked children to bring them back completed on Friday 9th February.
In addition to all this, we have been continuing to practise for Singfest for our final rehearsal with Victoria from Love Music Trust on 5th February.
Next week I will be teaching the class on Monday and Wednesday and Mrs Field will be in class on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Homework is due in on Monday, maths p.25 and English p.14. 

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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