Year 5 w/b 12th February
Date: 13th Feb 2024 @ 1:17pm
In our final mini medics session, Mr Aspinall talked with the children about their learning this half term. They can now name a range of emotions and how talk about how they can manage them. They can also talk about the normal emotions we all feel and when they might need to talk to someone about how they feel. This week we looked at 'how to have difficult conversations.' Children then applied their learning in games of football, netball and dodgeball. It was lovely seeing the children attempting to solve their problems by talking to each other and thinking about other people's feelings. Ask the children to talk to you about:
C - heck they are okay.
A - pply listening skills.
R - eassure.
E - ncourage.
Mr Aspinall will continue to work with the children for the first part of Tuesday afternoon's after half term.
In Maths we have continued our work on fractions and decimals. Children can now confidently convert between fractions and decimals as tenths, hundredths and thousandths. They can compare, order and round decimals. We will be moving on to percentages after half term.
in RE we have completed our unit on 'Why do Christians think Jesus was a great teacher?' The children have produced some fantastic and thoughtful work. This afternoon we have enjoyed creating artwork with images representing the messages contained within parables.
In their writing lessons children have been thinking about what it felt like to walk on the moon. We also had a guest teacher, Matilda who is in Y12 at Sandbach Girls School, who taught a writing lesson based on the poem The Tyger by William Blake. The children were all very proud of their innovated poems and have asked to publish them.
The children were delighted to see that their hard work and efforts had earned 1000 dojo points. As a reward the children have enjoyed a games afternoon.
We have lots to look forward to next half term including our residential visit to the Conway Centre, our Singfest concert, Forest School (on Friday mornings - please could children bring a change of footwear) and our Easter service in church.