Year 5 Blog

Date: 9th Mar 2019 @ 7:07pm

It has been a busy fortnight in Year 5. I am certain that the visit from Roberts Bakery was a particular highlight and I hope that you all enjoyed the bread made on the day. The Sandbach Chronicle have included an article about the visit in this week’s paper so please take a look.

We have started our work on ‘Unspoken’ in English and the children have produced some fabulous writing based on the illustrations. I have been so impressed by the children’s effort and creativity. Some children still need to check their work for accurate spelling and punctuation and this is something you could encourage when completing homework.

We have continued our work on slavery looking at the American Civil War and this work will form the content of our class assembly after Easter.

In maths, we have been continuing our work on fractions, converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions. We have also moved on to comparing and ordering fractions and continuing number sequences. Some of this work can be tricky so you can support children by drawing attention to fractions in everyday life. For example the number of pieces in a chocolate bar would be the denominator and the amount I eat the numerator. How many pieces if I cut it in half, quarters etc. There are also lots of games you can access on Mymaths if you wish to do a little more.

Over the coming weeks we will be continuing these themes as well as preparing to lead our Easter service. 

I look forward to seeing you all during parents consultations.

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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