Year 4 WC 29.3.16

Date: 1st Mar 2016 @ 8:45pm

We have had a fantastic day today at The Lowry. All the children produced some super pieces of art sketching the buildings outside, some of Lowry's portraits and his landscape pictures. This afternoon we then used the portraits to design and made a 3D model. I will upload some photographs from the day on a separate blog. 

This week we are continuing with fractions in maths, finding fractions of quantities and more problem solving and reasoning. 

In English, the children have written the first drafts of their explanations so next we will be learning how to edit and improve our work. 

Don't forget it is World Book Day on Thursday so children can come to school dressed as a book character. In the morning we will be doing some whole school World Book Day activities. Mrs Tice will still be coming for the children's music lesson so please don't forget your instruments! 

I have now received confirmation from Jorvik about an alternative itinerary. As you may have heard, the Jorvik Viking Centre is currently closed due to the flooding, and does not expect to be open until 2017. We had already planned to spend part of the day at their sister site, DIG, so only one of the sessions will be affected. Instead of a workshop at JVC, we will have a Battle Tactics Workshop at DIG. I will be going to do the pre-visit this weekend and there will be a meeting for parents before the end of term. 

Thank you

Mrs Saunders 


Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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