Year 4 WC 14.3.16
Date: 15th Mar 2016 @ 3:47pm
Maths- we are looking at addition and subtraction until the end of term. This will involve using mental and formal written methods. Once the children are confident and can use the methods accurately, we will then look at using, applying and reasoning. Here are some example questions of what this looks like:
In English, the children will be showing off their creative writing skills as we are reaching the end of our text, Oliver and the Seawigs. We are going to be writing our own adventure stories about Oliver Crisp, the explorer.
Don't forget it is Sport Relief on Thursday so children can come to school in their PE kit or as their sporting hero. All the children (and teachers) will be walking, jogging or running a mile around the school playground. Sponsorship money needs to be in by Monday 21st March.
As far as I'm aware, Mrs Tice, the music teacher, is better now and will be in this week, so please remember instruments. There are an increasing number of children who are forgetting their instrument on a regular basis which makes it very hard for them to learn new notes and pieces of music.
Easter Service is at 2pm on Friday at St Oswalds Church. We hope to see many of you there!