Year 4 w/b 9th December 2024

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 4:39pm

Another fantastic week of learning in Year 4, we are definitely on the count down to Christmas now.

In English this week we have continued to explore our text genre of an Information Guide. The children have read a number of different guides thinking about the features that all of them contain. We have particularly focussed on looking at the writers’ choice of vocabulary and the impact it has on the text. The children have enjoyed thinking about the creative ways in which they could capture and defeat their own fictitious characters. Next week the children will finish the unit by planning and writing their own information guide.

In our guided reading sessions this week we have taken the opportunity to look at some of the iconic Christmas advents from some of the most famous brands. We have explored these adverts thinking about their meanings and how they encourage us to buy things. We have then explored some of the more subtle parts of the adverts. For example one of the John Lewis adverts used a song which was based on a poem with very emotive language. We explored the poem and the authors choice of language and the structure of each stanza.

In Maths we have spent our learning time looking at our recent assessments, spotting the mistakes we have made and working together to think about how we could solve them correctly. The children have also been practicing their times tables skills and solving 2 step word problems.

On Tuesday we were very fortunate to watch the Rock Steady concert in school, we were so proud of all of the children and particularly our friends in Year 4! It definitely inspired some of us to want to learn a new instrument to play.

In art we have been creating some wonderful pieces of Christmas artwork ready to share with you next week.

In our Mini Medics session on Wednesday we focussed on loosing a game thinking about how it makes us feel and what we can do to cope with those feelings, we did discover this isn’t always easy.

In our Geography lesson we have been using all of our learning from the last few weeks to think about the benefits of the river Nile and the impact it has on the people living in Egypt and beyond.

Next week as we build up for our Christmas celebrations a little reminder that the children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper or Christmas wear to celebrate Christmas dinner and our party!


The Year 4 Team

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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