Year 4 w/b 6.9.23
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 4:09pm
What a super start everyone has made to Year 4, they have all grown so much in confidence and height!
In maths, we recapped partitioning numbers to 1,000 and placing missing numbers on number lines. We then continued our learning by finding multiples of 1,000 and completing part-whole models. We were pretty amazing at this, so we challenged ourselves by working our way through some word problems too!
In guided reading, we focussed on the text ‘The World of Whales’. We shared the front cover and the blurb of the book and reminded ourselves what a non-fiction book was. We were astounded to find out that some whales can plunge to depths of more the 6,660 ft (2,010m)- 400 times deeper than the deep end of a swimming pool – and stay under water for more than an hour between breaths.
In PE, we enjoyed our first netball lesson in the glorious sunshine. We learned about the chest pass and bounce pass- we developed this by playing several games, such as a 4 v 1 game with a defender in the middle, and 3 v 2 with 2 defenders where players had to do lots of passing and moving.
In art, we created our very own art timeline. We found out that even during the Stone Age (800,000BC – 2,100 BC) caves were full of many different paintings by lots of different artists, usually depicting animals, hunters and hand prints.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.
Mrs Taylor