Year 4 class blog w/b 4.11.19
Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 2:11pm
I hope you have had a relaxing half term! Homework will start again next week but I have sent home the homework challenge for this half term, as well as the spelling rule (the ay sound spelt as ei, eigh and ey).
In English we discovered rat footprints in our classroom and unfortunately I was bitten! Mr Spilbury informed us of the rat problem in the school but luckily the Pied Piper appeared and played a tune for us in the classroom, saying she would solve the issue! We have been learning the Pied Piper of Hamelin as a story map and been doing several short, fictional pieces of writing.
Our guided reading text for this half term is Varjak Paw by SF Said.
In Maths, we have been focussing on problem solving, estimating and using the inverse to check our calculations.
Science with Mr Cotton is now learning about animals and their habitats; in topic, we conducted some research and created a leaflet all about the Tudors. I gave everyone a variety of subheadings, such as medicine, children, monarchs and we used iPads and books about the Tudors to find out lots of facts!
In PE we have been working on short passing football skills, while in RE we have been learning about Christian communities.
Mr McAulay