Year 3 WC 6th November 2017
Date: 11th Nov 2017 @ 9:07pm
It has been a very busy start to our new half term in Year 3. This is one of my favourite times of the year in school as we begin to prepare for our Christmas Service.
In maths we have started to learn formal methods for addition using the column method. Miss Nolan and I were really pleased with how quickly the children picked this up. In order to challenge the children further, we have worked on solving missing digit calculations and been spotting the mistakes. This means the children have to demonstrate a deeper understanding as they have to become the teacher and think about what advice they would give.
In English, we have started our new unit learning a portal story. We will be learning the story, Billy and the Dragon and using the text, Leon and the Place Between. We introduced the unit on Wednesday with the children going through a secret portal in the hall. As they crawled through, they entered a huge hall with two teddy bears sat at the table having tea. In the distance was an old castle, guarded by menacing dragon. While they explored this mysterious world, they thought about whats they could see, hear, smell, taste and feel. Mr Stanway and I were really impressed with their ideas and the vocabulary they generated!
Before half term we were reading Jolly Rogers and the Ghostly Galleon. Many of the children really enjoyed this story and are keen to read the next stories in the series (The Cave of Doom and The Monster's Cave). I have copies in the classroom but these are available on The Book People for around £4.50 for all three books should you wish to purchase them.
In Science we have been exploring different types of soils. The children were really surprised at the beginning of the lesson as they were shocked to learn that there is more than one type of soil! After learning about the different layers, we then got to feel some different soils thinking about their texture and what we could see inside.
If your child has come home without their swimming kit this week, I have an unclaimed bag which was left on the coach. Please let me know if it is yours.