Year 3 WC 2nd October 2017
Date: 5th Oct 2017 @ 10:21pm
This week the children have been inventing their own stories using the structure we have been learning. We've had some very interesting characters and plots. It's lovely to see the children's super imaginations!
In maths we have started our new unit, addition and subtraction which we'll be focusing on for the next few weeks. We are starting with using mental methods for addition and subtaction of three digit numbers and 1s, 10s and 100s.
In science we have been learning about permeability. Today the children tested rocks to see if they were permeable or not. Furthermore the children were interested to find out how rocks wear away. After carrying out their experiment, they were very shocked at how some rocks produced lots of dust and others such as granite produced hardly any. This led to a discussion about why some rocks were particularly useful for certain things.
We have really enjoyed learning a French rhyme this week. I've heard some superb French accents! Here it is if they would like to practise:
Deux petits oiseaux
Assis sur une branche
Je m’ appelle Fifi
Je m’ appelle Blanche
Bonjour Fifi
Bonjour Blanche
Au revoir Fifi
Au revoir Blanche
Tomorrow is our Harvest service at St Oswalds. We will be walking down to church at 1:30pm if you would like to join us.