Year 3 WC 26th June 2017
Date: 24th Jun 2017 @ 11:12pm
In maths this week we are continuing with fractions. We'll be revisiting equivalent fractions and ordering/comparing fractions.
In English, the children are really enjoying The Varmints and producing some fantastic writing. This week we are innovating the story by writing a prequel. This will give the children opportunity to practise using certain language and sentence types, and learn the story structure.
In Science, we will be learning more about the stem investigating how water is transported within plants.
In RE, we are continuing to learn about what Muslims believe about their God, Allah. The children have been really interested to learn that Allah cannot be represented using pictures as a mark of respect, so we'll be looking at how Muslims use patterns and geometric designs instead, and what these mean.
For anyone struggling to find pjyamas for our summer show, I have found these which would be suitable: