Year 3 WC 17th April
Date: 19th Apr 2017 @ 8:40pm
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.
In maths this week we are focusing on fractions, ensuring children are confident with fractions of shapes and understanding fractions terminology such as numerator and denominator. We have been looking at equivalent fractions and using diagrams to show this. Over the next few days we are adding and subtracting problems, and problem solving.
In English we are starting our new text, The Iron Man. This week we have been exploring the poem, 'The Coming of the Iron Man', looking at the language used to describe the Iron Man. On Friday we'll be writing our own poems.
We were fortunate yesterday to have the sunshine which gave us perfect conditions to investigate how shadows change during the day. We predicted what we thought would happen. Many children expected the shadow to stay the same size and some children predicted that it would move and 'tell the time'. After using chalk to draw around the shadow at various points during the day, we learnt why this happens. Ask your child to explain it to you!
In RE this week we are looking at the Trinity and how God is represented in artwork, such as The Baptism of Christ by Verrocchio. This will lead to us creating our own artwork to portray God as the Trinity.
Our topic this term is Brazil. The new topic web will be uploaded to the class page soon.
Don't forget next week we are going on our trip to Pizza Express on Thursday morning so children need to be in school by 8:40 so that we can leave promptly.
Dates for your diary:
27th April - Year 3 Pizza Express trip
6th June - Year 3/4 trip to Chester Zoo
30th June - Sports Day
18th, 19th, 20th July- Key Stage 2 Summer Show