Year 3 WC 16.1.17
Date: 14th Jan 2017 @ 9:33pm
The children had a fantastic week back. I'm really pleased with the great attitude they have come back to school with towards their learning.
This week in maths we are starting fractions. We will start by identifying fractions of shapes and then move onto finding fractions of objects and amounts. E.g. 1/2 of 12, 1/3 of 9, 1/5 of 15.
In English, the children have enjoyed imagining their own mysteries about the pictures in Harris Burdick. This week, they will begin to innovate a story, adding in their own ideas but keeping the same structure as the one they have learnt.
In Science, we will be investigating how things move on different surfaces.
Please make sure that the children have a warm PE kit in school. Unless it is raining heavy, Mr Jones will be taking the children outside for PE.