Year 3 WC 14th November 2016
Date: 12th Nov 2016 @ 9:26pm
Firstly 'well done' to all the children for a fantastic Remembrance Service. They performed their poem brilliantly!
In maths this week we are continuing with multiplication. We will begin with using times and divide facts to calculate misisng numbers and solve problems. We will then progress to multiplying by multiples of 10 and then multiplying two digits by a single digit. I have set several My Maths tasks which work on practising times tables. These are to be done at your child's own pace. The times table challenge sheets (bronze) are available to download a separate blog.
In Literacy we will be completing our poetry unit. I am really pleased with the work the children have produced this week and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. Watch this space...
In Science we will be finishing our Rocks and Soils unit by looking at what soils are made up of.
Please can children ensure they have suitable PE kits for outdoors. The weather has turned very cold but unless it is raining, we are keen for the children to be outside for PE this half term as they are working on their netball skills with Mr Jones.