Year 3 w.b: 1.7.24

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 3:57pm

What an amazing week we’ve had in Year 3.  It has been filled with learning about the 24 hour clock, writing travel reports and putting our dancing shoes on and strutting our stuff during our amazing dance workshop.
In Maths, we have been learning about the 24-hour clock.  To convert from the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock - you just need to add 12 to the hours in the day after midday. For example: 2 o'clock PM becomes 14:00, as 2 + 12 = 14.  We also learnt how find the duration between the start and finish.  Duration is how long something lasts, from beginning to end.  To solve the problems, we needed to subtract the start time from the end time.
In English, we began by planning our travel reports to exotic places.  We referred to the information on our working wall to help us with vocabulary choices and language features of a report.  We then began to write our very own travel reports.
In PSHE, we learnt that we have lots of different types of relationships e.g. pets, parents/carers, siblings, aunts, friends, leaders of groups etc. We thought about how we greet people we have a relationship with and if we greet them all the same way.  We each drew a tree with leaves, on the leaves we wrote ways to make a positive, healthy relationship. On the roots, we wrote down different people we have relationships with. Finally, we discussed how we can look after relationships and what we should expect from others.
We had a wonderful talk from Beth from the Dogs Trust, she talked to us about how to stay safe around dogs. We learnt how to approach dogs, if we are allowed and what to do if we see a dog off-lead. Beth told us that dogs love snuggles and have feelings just like us but there are times when we shouldn't touch dogs too; like when they are eating.
In Spanish, we learnt how to say 'quisiera' or I would like.. followed by an ice cream. We have also practised saying please, thank you, and, and or. We have then been asking questions as a shop keeper and replying. It was such fun!

In Music, we had our final rehearsal ready for our performance on Monday, you will be amazed at how confident we are and how much we have improved. 

We were very lucky this week as Jack Taylor, an award-winning dancer came into school to teach us dance. We learnt several dance moves to the bridge and chorus from some popular songs. Jack taught us how to put them all together into a routine. We put our best foot forward and burned up the dance floor. 
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mr M and Mrs T

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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