Year 3 wb: 04.11.24

Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 9:45am

What a wonderful first week back! 

In Maths, this week we have been looking at number bonds to 100 and estimating. After this, we used the column method to check our estimates to see how accurate they were!

In English, we discovered lots of metal objects on our playground and Mr McAulay definitely heard rumbling, creaking and crashing sounds during worship! We wrote questions to investigate what or who may have caused this commotion! After this we discovered that our new focus text is the Iron Man and we wrote descriptive sentences using picture clues from the book. We then went on to write a character description of the Iron Man once we had heard the first chapter!

In PE this week, we focused on evading and dodging our partner. The defender had to stick to their partner like glue and mirror them. We played some fun games which practised these skills like sharks and fishes and tails. We then recapped the netball chest and bounce pass and then played matches with more of a focus this week on defending and marking.

In Science, for the next part of our learning about forces, we looked at friction and how different surfaces produce different amounts of friction. By testing heavy items (like a shoe) and measuring with a Newton meter, the children identified how the tarmac and artificial grass area produced quite a lot of friction, where as the carpet and table didn't produce as much. We then discussed how friction is essential to the safety of cyclists and car drivers, and how a skiier needs a smooth surface that generates less friction in order to pick up speed. Finally, we saw how a large amount of friction can be very powerful by testing the strength of two paperback books entwinned together.

In RE, we started our Christmas unit- we were considering some key questions :

What kind of preparations are made when a special visitor is going to arrive?  How does it feel when that person arrives?  How does it feel to be in the presence of that person? How does the arrival of a baby (a new little person) change the life of the people around it?

We enjoyed our first Forest School session of Year 3- a time filled with fun with friends, problem solving and lots of outdoor play. Some of us enjoyed using clay to make a sculpture of the Iron Man!

In Geography, we learned about the water cycle and rivers, while in Music, we enjoyed playing Hot Cross Buns and Heavy Metal Rock!]

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr McAulay

Brereton C E Primary School

School Lane, Brereton Green, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1RN

Administration Assistant: Mrs S Henderson
or Senco: Richard Cotton

Tel: 01270 918931

Email: [email protected]

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