Year 3 blog w.b 25th April
Date: 2nd May 2022 @ 3:36pm
We have had a busy and exciting start to the summer term! Homework has now restarted if you could please encourage children to complete the Maths and English tasks, in addition to reading daily. Thank you.
Over the past fortnight we have been continuing to learn about fractions, namely equivalent fraction (fractions that are equal e.g. 1/2 = 2/4 = 3/6), as well as comparing, ordering, adding and subracting fractions.
We have enjoyed our new vehicle text, the Iron Man and have been writing character descriptions, building effective sentences and several other short burst pieces of writing. We will be writing a threatening narrative in the coming weeks!
Other areas of the curriculum
This week in Science, we have been looking at the human body and its skeleton; we have been naming the bones scientifically and then conducted an experiment to find out if our femur length affected how far we can jump. Our results weren't conclusive as we found it didn't affect the jump too much. Therefore, technique, muscles and skill may have been more important factors.
In History, we have been learning about the Romans. We found out that after two unsuccessful invasions, in 43 AD, the Romans invaded Britain with 40,000 men, who were very organised and highly skilled. We will be learning more about the Romans in the coming week and their influences on Britain.
In DT, we have been learning about eating seasoning, while in RE we have been learning about which parts of the Bible guide Christians, such as Jesus' teachings and the ten commandments.
In PE, we have had Harry from Cheshire Cricket teaching Year 3 how to bat, field and catch succesffully. Next week, we will be moving on to bowling skills. The children have really enjoyed the Forest School sessions over the past two weeks with Mr Simmons!
Please get in touch on Class Dojo if you need anything.
Mr McAulay