Year 3 blog 31st January
Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 1:51pm
We have had a super week in Year 3. Thank you for support with reading and homework.
In English this week, we have been finishing and publishing our fable narratives about a cunning fox! After this we looked at a new example text- an information text and delved into some new vocabulary. We have also explored the technical and factual language and had a go at writing sentences with technical language about foxes.
In spelling, we have been dropping e and adding ing to words like make into making. We have also been adding er to words ending in e e.g. make and maker.
In Maths we have been focusing on measurement in cm and m, before moving onto measuring in cm and mm using rulers.
In PE this week, we practised tag rugby and basketball skills- dribbling and passing before applying these to different games and matches.
In History we have been continuing to find out about Henry VIII and whether he was a good king.
In Art, we practised sketching different toys. We had to work out which way the sun was facing in order to add the shade in the correct place. We used a variety of shading techniques included hatching and cross hatching.
In Computing we learned about the different parts that make up a computer using practical and fun memory games.
In RE we continued to think about how Jesus changed lives by learning about a story with a rich man.
In Music we were playing a variterty of different songs using our saxophones, clarinets and trumpets.
Have a fabulous weekend.